To keep your jewelry sets safe and untarnished , it is important to organize them them in a storage box that you can place underneath the bed or any other space you may have available at your living space. A long plastic container with lid, less than six inches in height will fit well underneath the bed.You may need to measure the space available before you shop for the plastic container. You can find a good plastic container at any craft store or at the Container Stores.
You can also use any of the colorful craft boxes that you can place on your dresser; these can be found at any Marshall ,Ross or craft stores. A hat box will also serve the same purpose.
You will need to pad the inside of any container you get with a special cotton pad called batting.Batting is the thick material used to make quilts; you will find this at any craft store or sewing stores.You only need about one or two yards depending on how big your jewelry box is. You need to cut the material into three or more pieces, a little wider than the lining of your box to separate few jewelry sets from others.This will make it easier to lift each of the pad up when looking for any particular jewelry sets. On each pad, arrange few sets of jewelry and cover the sets with another pad .
When looking for a particular set of jewelry next time, you do not have to spend a lot of time looking for missing pieces, if you put them back properly after each use.